Pay your annual rental tax
If you rent or lease a property in Piedmont, you need to pay an annual rental tax. This does not apply to properties you own outside of Piedmont.
Need to know
- Tax payment is due by February 15 every year
- If it’s not postmarked by March 1, it is considered a late payment
- If you don’t pay on-time, you will be subject to a penalty:
- After March 1, penalty is 25% of tax owed
- After April 1, penalty is 50% of tax owed
- After May 1, penalty is 100% of tax owed
Before you start
You can pay tax for multiple rental properties using the same form.
Proof of rental payments
The amount of rent you were paid is called your gross receipts. You will need to provide proof of your gross receipts with your rental tax payment each year. To do so, provide one of the following:
- Copy of the current lease agreement
- Copy of Schedule E (income from rental property for current Federal Tax Form 1040)
- Copies of checks received
- Statement from your accountant of gross receipts
- Month-to-month recording of rental income collected
How to calculate what you owe
The minimum tax due is $200. There is no maximum.
To calculate your tax payment, you’ll need to add all of the rent payments you received for the calendar year (January 1 to December 31). If you have multiple rental properties, you will also add all of them together. Multiply this total by .01395.
For example, $18,500 x .01395 = $258.08 tax due.
If the number is less than $200, you will pay the minimum tax of $200. If the number is higher than $200, that is the amount you owe.
1. Complete the rental tax form
2. Submit your form and proof of gross receipts
Submit your form and proof of gross receipts to the City Clerk’s office by mail or drop it off in-person.
City Clerk
City of Piedmont
120 Vista Avenue
Piedmont, CA 94611
3. Pay fees
You can pay fees by cash, check, or credit card.
- If you want to pay by credit card, indicate that on your application. We will email you an invoice.
- Credit card payments are subject to a processing fee of 2.9% plus a $0.30 charge for each transaction.
- Checks are made payable to the City of Piedmont
What’s next
You need to pay this rental tax every year, if you continue to rent a residential or commercial property in Piedmont.
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