Environmental Review

Some projects require environmental review. The purpose is to minimize development and project impacts to the environment. This review is required by State law (known as the California Environmental Quality Act, or “CEQA”).

Environmental review is a phase in the planning processes. The review results in a determination of exemption, negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration, or an Environmental Impact Report (EIR).


Most demolition and construction projects in Piedmont are either modifications to existing buildings and sites, or are a new single-family dwelling and are categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA.

Sometimes the scope of a project will not qualify for a statutory or categorical exemption from the CEQA provisions. To determine if a project is exempt from CEQA, you need to apply for environmental review.

If a project is not exempt from the provisions of CEQA, you will need to prepare an Initial Study.


The project applicant is responsible for covering the costs of:

  • Preparing an Initial Study, Negative Declaration, or an Environmental Impact Report
  • Fees charged by agencies involved in the preparation of these documents, such as the California Department of Fish and Wildlife


How to apply

The City of Piedmont has a new online permitting system called eTRAKiT. You can now apply for and track your environmental review online. Paper and email applications for planning permits are no longer accepted.

Apply for environmental review

Required attachment

If environmental review is required, you need to upload the Environmental Review Certification when you apply.

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