Start a Neighborhood Watch group

If the area where you live does not have a Neighborhood Watch group yet, you can start one. If it already has one, here’s how to join.

Need to know

  • Neighborhood Watch groups are volunteer based
  • It doesn’t cost money to start one

Before you start

It’s important to familiarize yourself with the Neighborhood Watch program. Here are a few things to learn about before you start forming a group:


1. Contact your neighbors.

Let your neighbors know you want to start a Neighborhood Watch group and see if they want to join. You’ll need to find several homes on your street who are interested.

Download this flier and distribute it to your neighbors. 

2. Contact the Police department.

We’ll help pick a date for an initial meeting, provide informational material, and send a Police officer to the meeting.

Send us an email to get started.

3. Organize your first meeting.

Not sure where to hold your meeting? You can hold your meeting at someone’s home, a local park, or even in a cul-de-sac. You can also use a virtual option, like Zoom, but in-person meetings are usually more effective.

Learn how to organize a meeting.

4. Designate a block captain.

The block captain is responsible for organizing meetings and relaying information to members. They will also act as the liaison between your group and the police department.

Learn how to become a block captain.

What’s next

Congratulations on starting a Neighborhood Watch group! We recommend that your group meet regularly to share information and get to know each other. Some groups like to meet more frequently, some meet only once or twice per year.

Here are some resources to help you:

Get help