Housing Element EIR Preparation
Published February 16, 2022 | Updated March 4, 2022
UPDATED: 03/04/2022
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, as the Lead Agency overseeing this project's environmental review, the City of Piedmont is soliciting comments on the scope and content of the EIR for the proposed Housing Element Update.
The Housing Element is one of the seven state-mandated elements of the local General Plan and is required to be updated every eight years. The City of Piedmont is preparing the 2023-2031 Housing Element Update to comply with the legal mandate that requires each local government to identify adequate sites for housing to meet the existing and projected housing needs for varying income-levels in the community. It is intended to provide the city with a comprehensive strategy for promoting the production of safe, decent and affordable housing, and affirmatively furthering fair housing during the housing cycle. The Housing Element Update establishes goals, policies, and actions to address the existing and projected housing needs in Piedmont. The project is applicable to the entire City of Piedmont (citywide).
Additional information is available on the
City’s housing policy website.
Members of the public and public agencies are invited to provide comments in writing as to the scope and content of the EIR before Friday, March 18, 2022. This scoping stage of EIR preparation seeks comments that would answer the questions: “What do we need to know to prepare the EIR for the Housing Element update? What potential environmental impacts from the City’s RHNA allocation of 587 housing units should be studied as part of the EIR?” Please mail your comments to Kevin Jackson, Planning & Building Director, City of Piedmont, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611; or send via email to
[email protected].
A Scoping Meeting was held by the Planning Commission on March 1, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. Click to view the video of the meeting. In response to comments during the scoping meeting the following information is being provided to community members who may be interested in providing comments on the scope and preparation of the EIR:
Environmental Factors Considered Under CEQA
This is a list of the environmental factors that are required to be examined under an Environmental Impact Report.
Appendix G, Environmental Checklist Form, 2022 CEQA Statute and Guidelines
In this Appendix, for each environmental factor, a list of questions is provided that an agency might ask when studying potential environmental impacts.