Schoolmates after school care

Schoolmates is an afterschool care program for grades TK to 5 during the Piedmont USD school year. For the 2024-25 school year, program dates are September 3, 2024 until June 3, 2025.

You can register for the 2024-25 school year starting Wednesday, July 31 at 6pm.

Register via CommunityPass

Program Options

We offer two types of registration:

Block Booking

Full afternoon care from 3-6pm.


Hourly increments between 2 and 6pm.


If your child is in Kindergarten with a 2 pm dismissal time, register in Flexi-care to bridge the hour between 2 to 3 pm.

Drop-in care is not available.

Schoolmates basics

  • Age: 4.3–11 years (TK–5 Grades)
  • Child to staff ratio:
    • 18:1 (Peak Hours)
    • 14:1 (Non-Peak Hours)
  • Location: Havens, Beach and Wildwood Elementary Schoolmates classrooms

View holiday and break closures

Full program details

Block booking

This option is good for families who need:

  • Full-time, consistent after school care
  • Pick-up at or close to 6pm
  • Minimal to no scheduling adjustments

You need to attend for the full afternoon (from 3 to 6 pm). Requests for partial time adjustments are not allowed. If you need hourly increments, consider the Flexi-care option.

Days and times

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 3 to 6 pm
  • Wednesdays: 1:45 to 6 pm

Block booking does not include the 2 to 3 pm hour. If you need this covered for your kindergartener, consider the Flexi-care option.


  • $11.20 per hour
  • Enrollment is based per day
  • Tuition is paid monthly


If the day you need is full, you can add your child to a waitlist during open enrollment periods. We will email you when there are openings. This typically happens after the 15th of each month.

You have 48 hours to accept the invitation to enroll and you must commit to the full timeslot. Requests for partial time are not allowed.


This option is good for families who need flexible, hourly options for early pick-up or other activities. Timeblocks are in hourly increments.

Days and times

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 2 to 6 pm
  • Wednesdays: 1:45 to 6 pm


  • $13.40 per hour
  • Enrollment is based per hour
  • Tuition is paid monthly
  • You are automatically enrolled each month with the same schedule until you cancel or change


Waitlist is not available for Flexi-care. If there is space available, you can register online on the 20th of each month at 6 pm. Registration is first come, first served, pending space availability.

Mid-year registration

Each month during the school year, you can register between the 20th at 6pm and the 25th. Your first day begins on the next service range, not the date of enrollment.

Schoolmates Program monthly enrollment periods

For the 2024-25 school year:

  • September 3–September 27
  • September 30–October 25
  • November 4–November 22
  • December 2–December 20
  • January 8–January 31
  • February 3–February 14
  • February 24–March 28
  • March 31–May 2
  • May 5–June 3