Rules for campaign signs

Make sure your campaign signs do not violate local laws. If they do, we will remove them.

Where signs can be located

Public property

You are not allowed to put campaign signs on public property. This includes:

  • Parks
  • Medians
  • Traffic islands
  • Fences
  • Street Lights

Private property

You can put temporary campaign signs on private property, with the consent of the property owner.

There is no limit to the number of signs, but you need to follow these rules:

  • Area of the sign is limited to 4 square feet (examples: 1 foot by 4 feet, 2 feet by 2 feet)
  • Cannot be illuminated
  • Maximum height, including frame, is 4 feet

Removal after election

Temporary campaign signs must be removed within ten days after the election the sign is for.


If your signs do not follow these rules, we will remove them. To pick up removed signs, call (510) 420-3050.